Beverage preparation

Preparation methods


In this method heated, by a burner, the water contained in a container lower glass, usually round. Roast and ground coffee is placed in an upper container, that the boiling water completely clog the lower balloon. Boiling raising of water to the upper container containing the coffee. When removing the lighter, the hot coffee beverage by gravity down to the lower balloon. This method can make coffee without sediments and with a pronounced flavor.


The Chemex coffeemaker is a glass jar shaped hourglass uses patented filters, made of paper with special treatment, which eliminates most of the coffee oils and sediments. By the way, It is as if the discharge cone and the jug they were glued in a single crystal device. This method emphasizes the acidity, the sweetness and softness, and yielding a residual subtle.


The Aeropress Coffee is formed by two plastic cylinders that together function as a syringe to introduce air pressure on the mixture of water and ground coffee to filter coffee through a paper filter or metal cylindrical. Baristas use it to shorten the infusion time and reduce coffee its bitter taste.

V60 o Dripper

This method of preparation is to pour hot water over roast and ground coffee contained in a filter, usually paper, Placed in turn within a cone (dripper), which may be of different materials, like plastic, transparent plastic, glass, ceramic or metal (the inner cone texture helps extraction vent). The water is filtered through the coffee extraction by gravity and flows into a decanter drip serving drink. This method emphasizes the sweetness and acidity grain.

French press

The coffee press, piston, French or French press, It has a piston, which in turn carries a filter attached to the piston, which allows the extraction of roast and ground coffee. This method allows a mouthfeel of pronounced body and subtle acidity, with a good balance.